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Our services

High-impact design & development services

Web Design

We design websites that look amazing, convey the right brand message and are highly oriented for conversion.

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Web Design Agency

Web Development

We develop fast, perfectly responsive, and SEO-optimized websites built with the best development practices of 2023.

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Web Development Agency

UI/UX Design

We design intuitive web & mobile apps focused on driving user engagement and increasing users retention.

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UI/UX Design Agency

Brand Design

We transform businesses into world-class brands by going through a well thought brand identity design process.

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Brand Design Agency

Conversion Optimization

We help you A/B test your website core landing pages to boost your conversion rates and get more leads.

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Conversion Optimization Agency


We help your business gain leverage and efficiency through automation using simple, yet powerful NoCode tools.

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Automation Agency

Why work with us

We take you by hand on each step of the process

With hundreds of successful projects, we have defined a simple (but effective) process to take you from idea to launch!

Idea Phase

1. Idea

We meet with your team to know more about your project idea and goals. After that, our team will work together to create an action plan and proposal for your project.

Project Idea Phase
Research Phase

2. Research

We will share with you a detailed questionnaire to do an in-depth analysis of your business. Once with that information, we will able to create a design that is tailor-made to reach your business goals.

Project Research Phase
Design Phase

3. Design

We are going to design a mockup or prototype of your website, and present it to you. Once with the initial mockup, we will start the revision process to perfect it.

Project Design Phase
Development Phase

4. Development

We are going to develop your website using the best web development standards, so you have a perfectly responsive, lightning-fast, SEO-friendly, and highly conversion-oriented website.

Project Development Phase
Launch Phase

5. Launch

When the project is completed, we will schedule a 2hr session to train your team on how to use, edit and take advantage of your new website. After that, we will help you with the launch process to ensure everything goes perfectly smoothly.

Project Launch Phase
Support Phase

6. Support

We don't complete the project and leave. Instead, we keep a close relationship and communication with your team so we can help you with any design or development needs in the long term.

Project Support Phase

Ready to create an amazing website for your company?

Our amazing team of designers & developers is ready to help you take your website to the next level. Send us a message today!


Don’t take our word for it

Take a look at what our amazing clients have to say about us, and the great impact has done on their businesses.

Digital Cross built a stunning website that boosted my course sales significantly. ”
Course Enrollments
Better User Experience
Mark Shapiro
Real Estate Veteran
Digital Cross revamped our site, boosting engagement and leads. Highly recommend! ”
Conversion Rate
Increase in Website Speed
Logan Tarver
CEO of RoofReach AI
Digital Cross built an amazing site that boosted my course sales dramatically. Highly recommend!”
Course Sign-Ups
Reduction in Bounce Rate
Harley Hemmings
6 Figure Entrepreneur
Creek - Logo
Digital Cross created a fantastic website, skyrocketing my course
sign-ups. ”
Course Enrollments
Brand Visibility Boost
Jonathon Madrid
The Blonde Jon
Digital Cross transformed our website, significantly boosting client engagement. ”
Client Retention
Reduction in Bounce Rate
A. Seleim
CEO of Chiro Growth

Past projects

Let our work speak for itself

Want to discover what we can do? Take a look at some of the amazing websites that have been created by our team of talented designers and developers.

Ready to create an amazing website for your company?

Our amazing team of designers & developers is ready to help you take your website to the next level. Send us a message today!

Get in touch